Posts Tagged "diet"

PEAK 8: fun effective exercise for your metabolism

Posted By on Jul 4, 2012

PEAK 8, PEAK 3 This is a suggestion that will work for many people, and this is a simple outline of the PEAK program. Please check with your health care provider before starting an exercise program. Choose something you like to do that can get your heart rate up. I dance to rock-n’ roll oldies, others run and sprint, you can use an eliptical machine or swim , or mix it up. Movement you enjoy. PEAK 8 Warm up for a couple of...

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MORE FAQ’s from the State Acupuncture Board

Posted By on Nov 24, 2011

Consumers Frequently Asked Questions Printer-friendly version Q. WHO CAN PERFORM ACUPUNCTURE? A. Acupuncturists who maintain a valid license issued by the Acupuncture Board and physicians licensed by the Medical Board of California. A dentist or podiatrist licensed in California may also practice acupuncture, only within the scope of their respective licenses and if they have completed the necessary training required by their...

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