5th Dimensional Consciousness Non-Duality
Happy Holidays and a happy end to 2016 May you have Love, Peace, Gratitude and Happiness even in trying and exciting times. I believe we will be feeling more joy if we open to it and stay connected to our hearts. While the things in ourselves and our country that have kept us from having the peaceful world we all dream about are coming to the surface for all to see clearly, I believe we are experiencing a cleanse. Underlying the...
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Taoism and Qi Explained Beautifully
Hi Folks, I really enjoyed this article: What Is Qi (Chi)? The Vibratory Nature of Reality By Elizabeth Reninger, About.com Guide Central to Taoist world-view and practice is qi (chi). Qi is life-force — that which animates the forms of the world. It is the vibratory nature of phenomena — the flow and tremoring that is happening continuously at molecular, atomic and sub-atomic levels. In Japan it is called “ki,” and in...
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My History and Statement of Purpose
My History and Statement of Purpose Sydney Annette Brunson Bebb-Walker, L.Ac., A.C.N. My History and Statement of Purpose Who we each are and why we are here are mysteries to most of us. As we grow we try on different identities. We experience ourselves in many layers and dimensions. This awareness is opening up for people more and more, but it is still the Great Mystery. We are Everything and we are Nothing at the same time,...
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Mission Statement
The Mission of Sonoma Mountain Healing Arts 1. To provide high quality classical acupuncture and other holistic energy healing to address the roots and branches of conditions that are in the way of the health of those who seek my services. In the language of energy, we seek to release or clear what doesn’t belong in our energy field, and support, strengthen, and encourage circulation of healthy energy in the body. 2. To offer...
Read MoreWishing you joyful holiday spirits and much happiness in the New Year!
wisdom View this email in your browser Dear Friends, I hope you have been enjoying the winter holiday season and have a Happy New Year! I wanted to say something about the Winter Season and the Water Element and before I had begun to write, I received this so elegantly written by Denise Aubin. Denise teaches QiGong in San Rafael and San Anselmo and has a private practice in Fairfax. (www.danceofqigong.com) I feel blessed to have so...
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New! Rosemira Oganic Skincare Collection Now Available Here
I love these natural oils, creams and toners created by Sonoma County herbalist Mira Herman.There are sample sizes to try out. The natural scents are wonderful and the high quality of the oils are the best thing I’ve found for my sensitive combination skin. You can order by going to Mira’s website from this link: http://www.rosemira.com#oid=1010_1...
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Benefits of a Nice Long Vacation
I have recently returned from a wonderful vacation in Costa Rica with my son Jackson. This vacation had so many benefits! Like so may Americans, I seem to be always working. I love my work, and agree with the saying, “if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.” But on the other hand, it was amazing to take 17 days off and go on an adventure with my wonderful son. I am very lucky. There’s so...
Read MoreFour Essential Oils for Fighting a Persistent Mycoplasma Infection
GoodbyeLyme Newsletter: Four Essential Oils for Fighting a Persistent Mycoplasma Infection Four Essential Oils for Fighting a Persistent Mycoplasma Infection For people with recurring inflammation and fatigue caused by a persistent mycoplasma infection by Greg Lee I once asked my mom for her secret recipe for barbeque steak. I would savor each bite as it filled my mouth with delicious flavor. I started salivating...
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Here’s a nice affirmation to help the stomach and abdomen:
from “The Healing Secrets of the Ages” by Catherine Ponder, pg. 90-91 ” All ideas of judgement, revenge, punishment, and evil are eliminated from my mind and body now. Instead I behold the love, mercy, and goodness of God at work in my mind, body and affairs and relationships with all mankind. I let all people be happy! I let all people be prosperous! I let all people be free! In doing so, my own happiness,...
Read MoreCommunity Wellness Sanctuary
Hi Friends, Here is a new offering. The Wellness Sanctuary can be used as an introduction to various healing methods, as an addition to your regular treatments to stretch your acupuncture/wellness dollar, and as a way to relax and restore yourself with other members of your community. GIFT CERTIFICATES...
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