The Mission of Sonoma Mountain Healing Arts 1. To provide high quality classical acupuncture and other holistic energy healing to address the roots and branches of conditions that are in the way of the health of those who seek my services. In the language of energy, we seek to release or clear what doesn’t belong in our energy field, and support, strengthen, and encourage circulation of healthy energy in the body. 2. To offer...
I have recently returned from a wonderful vacation in Costa Rica with my son Jackson. This vacation had so many benefits! Like so may Americans, I seem to be always working. I love my work, and agree with the saying, “if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.” But on the other hand, it was amazing to take 17 days off and go on an adventure with my wonderful son. I am very lucky. There’s so...
Often my patients will say to me that something I am doing is helping but they are not sure what it is. I still need to explain better and there isn’t always time during a treatment. But in some ways it’s a mystery and really it’s the setting up of conditions so that people themselves heal in connection with the Benevolent Tao or Universal Love, God, or Source, Great Mystery, as we try to name that which we are part...
People with stress, anxiety, and depression, a lack of energy and vitality can respond very well to natural medicine. We offer Chinese Medicine and techniques that have Asian medicine as a root: acupuncture, acupressure, herbal medicine, nutritional approaches, Qi Gong, lifestyle counseling, and emotional clearing techniques. We find the root causes of the lack of wellness you experience. Help is here without the side effects of...
Legal note: Health related articles are not meant to be instruction for individuals, but are an example of how we approach treatment for various issues. They are not meant to be taken as advice, nor take the place of advice from qualified medical practitioners.
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